Victoria Area Alumnae Panhellenic Association

We are very excited to have had an outstanding recruitment in 2021-2022. Fifteen young ladies from our area pledged sororities. We have a wonderful team of reference writers, but we need support from all of our Panhellenic sisters.
As we move to Evite invitations and the use of social media to contact members we need your help.
Please verify your contact information here:
We know not everyone can give their time, but if you could commit to paying your yearly $25 Panhellenic dues, VAAPA can continue to pay the yearly website fees and help future young ladies be part of this amazing family. Dues can be paid online or checks can be mailed to the address provided.
Brylee Batts, Alpha Delta Pi, Texas A&M
Emily Bauknight, Alpha Omicron Pi, Arkansas
Hannah Boyd, Kappa Alpha Theta, Texas A&M
Saxtin Clark, Alpha Omicron Pi, Texas A&M
Kanella Cohen, Delta Gamma, Texas
Audrey Cook, Kappa Delta, Texas A&M
Julie Diebel, Chi Omega, Texas A&M
Julianna Edwards, Delta Gamma, Texas
Ashley Fleener, Delta Zeta, Texas A&M
Lauren Garza-Mischer, Kappa Alpha Theta, Texas A&M
Leah Hurt, Chi Omega, Baylor
Amanda Harms, Alpha Omicron Pi, Texas A&M
Grace Schubert, Alpha Chi Omega, Texas Tech
Lillian Vandeveer, Chi Omega, Texas

Coming to a large campus can leave students feeling alone. The Greek community helps to instantly connect students to the campus. During your college years, sororities emphasize scholarship; promote leadership, philanthropic efforts and lifelong friendships. These relationships transcend ordinary friendships to become that of a brother or a sister. Like family ties, the bond formed is for a lifetime.
As a member in the Greek community you will be encouraged to become involved in campus activities. Each chapter provides resources for members to develop as leaders through educational programming in time management, leadership and communication. Because Greek members gain experience through delegating responsibility, motivating members, and communicating effectively, many serve as leaders in an array of campus organizations.
48% of all U.S. Presidents have been Greek
70% of all U.S. Congressmen/women are Greek
40% of all U.S. Supreme Court Justices have been Greek
43 of the 50 Largest North American Corporations are headed by Greek Men and Women
68% of doctors and 72% of lawyers nationally belong to a fraternity or sorority
“Traditionally students that join fraternities and sororities usually maintain a higher GPA than non-members.”
“Nationally just over 50% of students complete their college degrees. However, the U.S. Department of Education data shows that Greek members graduate at a rate in excess of 70%.”
“62% of Greek members have a GPA above the Average Undergraduate GPA of 3.2 at the University of Texas.”
-University of Texas at Austin Sorority and Fraternity Life Information Guide
“At Baylor the all-Greek grade point average is consistently above the all-university undergraduate average.”
Membership in a Greek organization means more than just having fun. One of the most gratifying aspects of Greek Life is the sense of satisfaction and pride which comes with involvement in community service. Each organization has a philanthropy they support through a variety of events and projects.
2021-2022 NEW MEMBERS
As you are about to enter college, you will make many new decisions. Joining a sorority can be one of the most meaningful experiences, which will have lifelong benefits. The Victoria Area Alumnae Panhellenic Association (VAAPA) looks forward to sharing the opportunities awaiting you with membership in a sorority. Membership is for a lifetime. During your college years, sororities emphasize scholarship, promote leadership, philanthropic efforts and lifelong friendships.
A sorority is a private organization whose members have been elected to establish a close affiliation and friendship with one another. For more than 100 years, sororities have demonstrated leadership, achievement, educational and philanthropic involvement. Today there are 26 national sororities recognized by the National Panhellenic Conference.
Please join us for Recruitment Roundtable. Bring your mom, tell your friends, and come meet VAAPA members who will answer questions and help walk you through the recruitment process.

We, the undergraduate members of women's fraternities, stand for: good scholarship, guarding of good health, maintenance of fine standards, and serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through the mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by we strive to live.